Women and masculinity

By PSMS Francisco Lindero

In my previous article (“Police with a Mistress: Not Okay”, July 14, 2021), I distinguished two scenarios as regards the issue of police officers with at least two women in their lives.

One scenario is about a man who, despite being married, pursued another woman, through deceit, manipulation, name what. And the other is about a man who never had at first an intention to engage in an illicit relationship, but a cunning woman had put him a bait and he was too weak to resist. In the last scenario, the man is a victim, so to say.

Neither of the two could be excused. It is wrong to have another woman other than the wife. The Bible says so. In our case as government workers, the Code of Ethical Standards abhors this conduct unbecoming.

Sadly, despite its being unacceptable, some men still think women as measure of manliness or masculinity. And I think that is insanely madness. Having many women does not make one more masculine than someone who sticks to only one. Manliness and masculinity do not depend on the number of women that a man has.

Believing that having more women separates a real man from reel is a psychosis, or “a condition that affects the way your brain processes information.” Thus, men, despite them being married and ‘committed,’ pursue another woman, must have that disorder. They are trapped in the illusion that preying more women is tantamount to manliness and masculinity, when it rather reveals the sad contrary.

So, what is the measure of manliness and masculinity?

My answer is simple and univocal – manliness and masculinity are measured by being able to commit to a woman and love her even when she becomes unlovable.

And, when I asked Google regarding my answer, there are many who shared my thoughts. Of the many, I picked three to support my point. One says “It takes a real man to realize that one woman is enough.” Another says, “Any man can love a thousand women, but a good man loves one woman a thousand ways.” And, finally, another gives this advice “You don’t become more a man by being with more women. You become more of a man by maintaining a healthy relationship with one woman.”

I need not copy and paste everything I read on the web to convince you more of the idea that as married man, it is important that you make sure your wife knows (with certainty) that she is the one and only.

Thus, to all the one-woman men out there, tap your shoulder and raise your heads up because you are real. In this generation, yours could be considered a roadless travelled, but worry not because that is the road that every man should take.