Indonesia commends SEAFDEC for assisting ASEAN states

Photo taken during the 51st SEAFDEC Council Meeting held at Shangri-La Hotel, East Java, Indonesia on March 18-22, 2019. On the left shows AQD Chief Dan Baliao (R) and AQD Research Division Head, Dr. Leobertdela Pena (L). With them are Dr. Eduardo Leano of NACA and Melba Arantazo of Food and Agriculture Organization.

SURABAYA, East Java, Indonesia – The Vice Governor of East Java, Indonesia, Dr. Emil Elestianto Dardak commended the Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Council (SEAFDEC) based in Tigbauan, Iloilo for assisting ASEAN Member States in the sustainable management of fishery resources. 

This was the essence of Dardak’s message as he welcomed SEAFDEC Council Directors during its 51stCouncil Meeting held in Shangri-La Hotel in East Java, Indonesia on March 18-22, 2019.

The commendation was echoed by Mr. Nilanto Perbowo  who spoke on behalf of the Director General  for Marine and Fisheries and Human Resources Development of the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries  of Indonesia.

The Director General of the Fisheries Administration of Cambodia H.E. Eng Cheasan, as Chairperson of SEAFDEC Council reported that SEAFDEC has aligned its present and future programs in accordance with the SEAFDEC Strategies Towards 2030.

Among the priority programs to be undertaken by SEAFDEC is to assist in preventing the entry of fish and fishery products from IUU (illegal, unreported, unregulated) fishing activities into the supply chain of the region.

DepartmenetChiefs of five SEAFDEC Departments and Council Directors for eleven Member States were the participants in the Meeting.

Many attempts had been initiated to improve fisheries management aiming to reduce illegal and destructive fishing. The seriousness of this concern has been increasingly expressed through discussions and recommendations in various meetings and consultations.

 Guidelines to provide tools for the AMSs to make sure that fish and fishery products from the region was developed meant to enhance the credibility and competitiveness of the region’s fish and fishery products. It is expected that the Guidelines would serve as basis for the AMSs in formulating their respective government policies.

An enabling environment for all stakeholders must have a clear direction and understanding of their need to prevent the entry of IUU fish and fishery products into the Supply Chain.